Espirales: Revista Multidisciplinaria de Investigaci贸n
A study of the Campaign "First Ecuador" and its impact on the national market
Edgar Salas Luzuriaga^11 
[1] Universidad de Especialidades Espíritu Santo^1
关键词: Trade Balance;    Charts Parts;    Tariffs;    National Production;    Microentrepreneurs.;   
DOI  :  10.31876/er.v3i27.550
来源: Grupo Compas
【 摘 要 】

Introduction Through this analysis of the National Campaign on the First Ecuador brand, a study is carried out on the communication strategies that have been used. Objective analyzed the political and economic situation that the country has experienced in recent years. Materials and methods a bibliographic review was made and data was obtained from secondary sources, interviews were applied to experts in the field. Results During 2001-2008, consumer imports grew 24% on average, raw materials 19% and capital goods 25%. For the year 2009 the performance of imports Discussion It is important to highlight that the resources with which the country currently has to produce, are in a primary phase Conclusions should be noted that the First Ecuador campaign did achieve acceptance in Ecuadorians generating a sense of pride as well as greater confidence

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