International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences
Amorim, A. L. de^21  Jesus, E. G. V. de^12 
[1] Architecture Faculty, Federal University of Bahia, Caetano Moura Street,121, Federação, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil^2;Dept. of Transport and Geodesy Engineering, Federal University of Bahia, Aristides Novis Street, 2, Federação, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil^1
关键词: Geometric modeling;    CityGML;    3DGIS;    QGIS;    Rhinoceros 3D;    FME;   
DOI  :  10.5194/isprs-archives-XLII-4-135-2018
来源: Copernicus Publications
【 摘 要 】

3D Geographic Information Systems (3D GIS) are systems that are capable of making spatial analyses that consider the tridimentional and semantic representation of objects. These systems make these analyses through its planialtimetric coordinates. The City Geography Markup Language (CityGML) is used for the representation of cities and urban applications. The CityGML is an international standardized data model based on XML used to store and exchange information through 3D representation of cities. This standardized data model has 5 Levels of Detail – LOD, varying from LOD 0 (least detailed) to 4 (most detailed). The main challenges for the implementation of these systems refer to the techniques used for obtaining data and the data format, and also all the software used in the geometric modeling of the urban model. The data related to the buildings were manipulated with the QGIS software in this study. This made it possible to obtain the height of the buildings by the elevation difference between the Digital Surface Model and the Digital Terrain Model. This paper presents and discusses the first results of the geometric modeling made in the campus of the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA), by using airborne laser scanning data, integrating QGIS, Rhinoceros and CityGML.

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