Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology
Nanoporous water oxidation electrodes with a low loading of laser-deposited Ru/C exhibit enhanced corrosion stability
Sandra Haschke^11  Dmitrii Pankin^22  Maïssa K. S. Barr^13  Vladimir Mikhailovskii^34 
[1]Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy, Chair of Chemistry of thin film materials, Egerlandstrasse 3a, 91058 Erlangen, Germany^1
[2]Saint-Petersburg State University, Center for Optical and Laser Materials Research, Uljanovskaya 5, 198504 St. Petersburg, Russia^2
[3]Saint-Petersburg State University, Institute of Chemistry, Universitetskii pr. 26, 198504 St. Petersburg, Russia more less^4
[4]Saint-Petersburg State University, Interdisciplinary Resource Center for Nanotechnology, Uljanovskaya 1, 198504 St. Petersburg, Russia^3
关键词: electrochemistry;    nanostructures;    noble metals;    ruthenium catalyst;    water splitting;   
DOI  :  10.3762/bjnano.10.15
来源: Beilstein - Institut zur Foerderung der Chemischen Wissenschaften
【 摘 要 】
For the oxidation of water to dioxygen, oxide-covered ruthenium metal is known as the most efficient catalyst, however, with limited stability. Herein, we present a strategy for incorporating a Ru/C composite onto a novel nanoporous electrode surface with low noble metal loading and improved stability. The Ru/C is coated on the pore walls of anodic alumina templates in a one-step laser-induced deposition method from Ru3(CO)12 solutions. Scanning electron microscopy proves the presence of a continuous Ru/C layer along the inner pore walls. The amorphous material consists of metallic Ru incorporated in a carbonaceous C matrix as shown by X-ray diffraction combined with Raman and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopies. These porous electrodes reveal enhanced stability during water oxidation as compared to planar samples at pH 4. Finally, their electrocatalytic performance depends on the geometric parameters and is optimized with 13 μm pore length, which yields 2.6 mA cm−2, or 49 A g−1, at η = 0.20 V.
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