Journal of Geosciences
The Stolpen Volcano in the Lausitz Volcanic Field (East Germany) - volcanological, petrographic and geochemical investigations at the type locality of basalt
Joerg Büchner^11  Thomas Scholle^33,33  Olaf Tietz^15,50  Manuel Lapp^27,75 
[1]Affiliate Assistant Professor, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL Adjunct Professor, Barry University School of Law, Orlando, FL. Dr. Friedman is Associate Professor of Psychological Medicine, University of Auckland Staff Psychiatrist, Mason Clinic, Auckland Regional Forensic Psychiatry Services, Auckland, New Zealand the Philip Resnick Professor of Forensic Psychiatry, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH. Dr. Jain is a Forensic Psychiatry Research Fellow, Columbia University and New York State Psychiatric Institute, New York, NY. Dr. Wagoner is Assistant Professor, University of South Florida College of Medicine, Tampa, FL. Portions of this article were presented at the 2017 American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, May 20–24, 2017, in San Diego, CA.^2
[2]Am Museum 1, 02826 Görlitz, Germany^84
[3]Am Museum 1, 02826 Görlitz^82
[4]Bayer (South East Asia) Pte Ltd, Singapore^49
[5]CNRS, UMR_7210, Paris F-75012, France^30
[6]Centre for International Health, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway^58
[7]Department of Medicine, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia^43
[8]Department of Neurology, Jakarta, Indonesia^41
[9]Department of Surgery (Ophthalmology), The University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia^33
[10]Fujian Provincial Key Laboratory of Ophthalmology and Visual Science, Eye Institute of Xiamen University, School of Medicine, Xiamen University, Xiamen, Fujian, China^24
[12]Liverpool Centre for Cardiovascular Science, University of Liverpool, and Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital, Liverpool, United Kingdom Aalborg Thrombosis Research Unit, Department of Clinical Medicine, Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark^62
[13]Neurology Department, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam^47
[14]Novena Heart Centre, Singapore^45
[15]Ophthalmology, Department of Surgery, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia^16
[16]Ophthalmology, Department of Surgery, University of Melbourne^12
[17]Philippine Heart Center, Quezon City, Philippines^38
[18]Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital, East Melbourne, Victoria, Australia^5
[19]Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital, Melbourne, Australia^13
[20]UPMC Univ Paris 06, UMR_S 968, Institut de la Vision, Paris F-75012, France^29
[21]the Pulmonology Unit, AOU “Ospedali Riuniti”, Ancona, Italy^78
[22]ASST Lodi, UOC Pneumologia, Lodi, Italy^75
[23]ASST Mantova, Dipartimento Cardio-Toraco-Vascolare, Unità Operativa di Pneumologia e UTIR, Mantova, Italy^79
[24]Allergy and Lung Health Unit, Centre for Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Melbourne School of Population and Global Health, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, VIC, Australia^51
[25]Beijing Institute of Ophthalmology, Beijing Tongren Eye Center, Beijing Tongren Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing Key Laboratory of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, Beijing, China^26
[26]Brien Holden Vision Institute and School of Optometry and Vision Science, University of New South Wales, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia^18
[27]Busselton Population Medical Research Institute, WA, Australia^56
[28]CHEST, Glenview, IL^72
[29]Cardiology Clinical Academic Group St. George's, University of London and Imperial College, London, United Kingdom^50
[30]Cardiology Division, Department of Biomedical, Metabolic and Neural Sciences, University of Modena & Reggio Emilia, Modena University Hospital, Modena, Italy^64
[31]Cardiovascular Medicine Division, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA^69
[32]Centre for Eye Research Australia, Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital^32
[33]Centre for Eye Research Australia^4
[34]Centre for Food and Allergy Research, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, Parkville, VIC, Australia^52
[35]Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taoyuan, Taiwan^36
[36]Chang Gung University^37
[37]Children's University Hospital, Technological University Dublin, Dublin, Ireland^15
[38]Cipto Mangunkusumo National Hospital, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia^42
[39]Clinical Epidemiology and Medical Statistics Unit, Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University of Sassari, Sassari, Italy^80
[40]Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia^31
[41]Department of Biomedical Sciences and Public Health, Università Politecnica delle Marche^77
[42]Department of Medicine, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA^70
[43]Department of Occupational Medicine, Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen, Norway^60
[44]Department of Ophthalmology, Medical Faculty Mannheim of the Ruprecht-Karis-University Heidelberg, Mannheim, Germany^17
[45]Department of Ophthalmology, Xiang'an Hospital of Xiamen University^23
[46]Department of Psychology, Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Social Cognitive Neuroscience and Mental Health, Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Brain Function and Disease, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China^14
[47]Department of Surgery (Ophthalmology), The University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria, Australia^6
[48]Division of Optometry and Visual Sciences, School of Health Sciences, City, University of London, United Kingdom^7
[49]Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care, Department of Internal Medicine, Riverside University Medical Center, Moreno Valley, CA, and Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care, Hyperbaric, and Sleep Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, Loma Linda University Medical Center, Loma Linda, CA^66
[50]Dr. Cooke is Associate Professor, University of Florida College of Medicine, Gainesville, FL. Dr. Hall is Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, University of Central Florida College of Medicine^1
[51]Engineering Office, Kirschallee 1, 01833 Stolpen, Germany^86
[52]Faculty of Medicine, Thammasat University^40
[53]General Clinical Research Center and Division of Cardiology, Taipei Veterans General Hospital and National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan^65
[54]Heart Research Institute/Charles Perkins Centre, University of Sydney and Department of Cardiology Concord Hospital, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia^67
[55]INSERM, U968, Paris, F-75012, France^28
[56]Institute of Cardiovascular Sciences, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom, and Aalborg Thrombosis Research Unit, Department of Clinical Medicine, Faculty of Health, Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark^68
[57]Institute of Cardiovascular Sciences, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom^61
[58]Institute of Child Health, University College London and Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children, London, United Kingdom^20
[59]Institute of Health Informatics, University College London, London, United Kingdom^63
[60]Korea University Medical Centre, Seoul, South Korea^34
[61]Lung Disease Unit, Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University of Sassari, Sassari, Italy^76
[62]Mount Elizabeth Novena Specialist Centre^46
[63]National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, United States^21
[64]National Institute of Fundamental Studies, Kandy, Sri Lanka^53
[65]National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan^35
[66]National University of Malaysia Medical Centre^44
[67]PathWest Laboratory Medicine of West Australia, Perth, WA, Australia^54
[68]Pediatric Ophthalmology and Adult Strabismus Department, Singapore National Eye Centre (SNEC), Singapore^8
[69]Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus Department, KK Women's and Children's Hospital (KKH), Singapore^9
[70]Pham Ngoc Thach Medical University^48
[71]Quinze-Vingts National Ophthalmology Hospital, Paris and Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines University, Versailles, France^27
[72]Respiratory Unit, ASST Santi Paolo e Carlo, San Paolo Hospital, Department of Health Sciences, Università degli Studi di Milano, Milan, Italy^74
[73]Saxon State Office for Environment, Agriculture and Geology (LfULG), Halsbrücker Straße 31a, 09599 Freiberg, Germany^85
[74]School of Art and Design, Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou, China^11
[75]School of Optometry and Vision Science, University of New South Wales, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia^3
[76]School of Population and Global Health and School of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, The University of Western Australia, WA, Australia^55
[77]School of Psychology and Public Health, La Trobe University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia^57
[78]School of Public Health & Preventive Medicine, Monash University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia^59
[79]Senckenberg Museum of Natural History Görlitz^81
[80]State Key Laboratory of Ophthalmology, Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China^10
[81]Stroke Excellence Center, Pathum Thani, Thailand^39
[82]Stroke Research Centre, Department of Brain Repair and Rehabilitation, UCL Institute of Neurology, National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, Queen Square, University College Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom^71
[83]The Vitreous, Retina, Macula Consultants of New York and the LuEsther T. Mertz Retina Research Center, Manhattan Eye, Ear, and Throat Hospital, New York, New York, United States^22
[84]Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Tokyo, Japan^19
[85]Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, F. Edward Hebert School of Medicine, Bethesda, MD^73
[86]Xiamen University Affiliated Xiamen Eye Center, Xiamen, Fujian, China^25
关键词: magma mingling;    basanite;    maar-diatreme volcano;    monogenetic volcanism;    Cenozoic landscape evolution;    basalt locus typicus;   
DOI  :  10.3190/jgeosci.275
来源: Ceska Geologicka Spolecnost / Czech Geological Society
【 摘 要 】
The ~30 Ma Stolpen Volcano near Dresden (Saxony) is situated at the western margin of the Lausitz Volcanic Field. It forms a small isolated basaltic hill, the famous Stolpen Castle Hill, penetrating the granodioritic basement of the Lausitz Block and is worldwide the type locality for the term ’basalt’, as coined by Agricola (1546). The volcano has always been interpreted as subvolcanic crypto- or lava dome. New geological mapping, dip measurements of the basaltic columnar jointing and the first evidence of scoria for the Stolpen Volcano allow for a new interpretation of the volcanic edifices. On this basis the structure is best described as a maar crater volcano filled by a 110 m thick basanitic lava lake. According to genetic classification, it is a complex monogenetic volcano formed in three phases: (1) a phreatomagmatic diatreme phase with a maar crater, (2) a scoria cone phase with the final basanitic lava lake filling, and (3) a post-volcanic phase with neotectonic uplift, denudation and exposure of a basaltic hill since c. 1.3 Ma. The volcano reconstruction indicates an ongoing change in the eruption style from phreatomagmatic (phase 1) to eruptive and, finally, effusive processes (phase 2) without significant gaps between the eruption episodes. The only difference appears to be caused by a variable water supply during the magma ascent and volcanic eruption. New mineralogical (QAPF) and geochemical (TAS) investigations of the Stolpen lava samples reveal that the Stolpen Hill is not built by a basalt, but basanite trending toward a nephelinite, following the recent nomenclature. Microscopic analyses also provide evidence of magma mingling, such as nephelinite melt enclaves, and show local lava contamination by the country-rock granodiorite, also supported by the presence of quartz xenocrysts. The combined field observations, petrography and geochemical data indicate overall heterogeneity of the Stolpen lava. Therefore, the Stolpen Castle Hill is not - in a scientific sense - a suitable type locality for either basalt or basanite. However, the outcropping volcanic rocks as well as their scientific and historical importance undoubtedly give relevance to Stolpen as a type locality for basaltic volcanic rocks in a broader sense.
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