International Journal of Information Technology
The Relationship between the Energy of Gravitational Field and the Representative Pseudotensor
R. I. Khrapko
关键词: Conservation law;    covariant integration;    gravitation field;    isolated system.;   
DOI  :  10.1999/1307-6892/10009409
来源: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (W A S E T)
【 摘 要 】
As is known, the role of the energy-momentum pseudotensors of the gravitational field is to extend the conservation law to the gravitational interaction by taking into account the energy and momentum of the gravitational field. We calculated the contribution of the Einstein pseudotensor to the total mass of a stationary material body and its gravitational field. It turned out that this contribution is positive, despite the fact that the mass-energy of a stationary gravitational field is negative. We concluded that the pseudotensor incorrectly describes the energy of the gravitational field. Nevertheless, this pseudotensor has been used in a large number of scientific works for 100 years. We explain this by the fact that the covariant component of the pseudotensor was regarded as the mass-energy. Besides, we prove the advantage of the covariant energy-momentum conservation law for matter in the Minkowski space-time.
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