Linguistic Issues in Language Technology
Complex Predicates and Multidimensionality in Grammar
Miriam Butt^11 
[1]University of Konstanz^1
关键词: syntax;    semantics;    complex predicates;    hindi;   
DOI  :  
来源: C S L I Publications
【 摘 要 】
This paper contributes to the on-going discussion of how best to analyze and handle complex predicate formations, commenting in particular on the properties of Hindi N-V complex predicates as set out by Vaidya et al. (2019). I highlight features of existing LFG analyses and focus in particular on the modular architecture of LFG, its attendant mul- tidimensional lexicon and the analytic consequences which follow from this. I point out where the previously existing LFG proposals have been misunderstood as viewed from the lens of theories such as LTAG and HPSG, which assume a very different architectural set-up and provide a comparative discussion of the issues.
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