International Journal of Information Technology
Strengthening Legal Protection of Personal Data through Technical Protection Regulation in Line with Human Rights
Tomy Prihananto ; Damar Apri Sudarmadi
关键词: Indonesia;    protection;    personal data;    privacy;    human rights;    encryption.;   
DOI  :  10.1999/1307-6892/10009428
来源: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (W A S E T)
【 摘 要 】

Indonesia recognizes the right to privacy as a human right. Indonesia provides legal protection against data management activities because the protection of personal data is a part of human rights. This paper aims to describe the arrangement of data management and data management in Indonesia. This paper is a descriptive research with qualitative approach and collecting data from literature study. Results of this paper are comprehensive arrangement of data that have been set up as a technical requirement of data protection by encryption methods. Arrangements on encryption and protection of personal data are mutually reinforcing arrangements in the protection of personal data. Indonesia has two important and immediately enacted laws that provide protection for the privacy of information that is part of human rights.

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