Documenta Praehistorica
An Eneolithic pottery hoard from Turnišče, NE Slovenia
Alenka Tomaž1 
[1]University of Primorska, Faculty of Humanities, Institute of Archaeology and Heritage
关键词: Eneolithic;    settlement;    North - East Slovenia;    pottery depot;   
DOI  :  10.4312/dp.45-9
来源: Univerza v Ljubljani * Filozofska Fakulteta / University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Philosophy
【 摘 要 】
“Pottery depot”, as a buried group of vessels, is well known term within the Bronze Age archaeology however in Neolithic and Eneolithic archaeologies the term comes into attention only rarely. In article we are discussing the case-study of Pit PO 118, discovered at site Turnišče. In the past, Pit PO 118 has been interpreted as potential storage pit or as remnants of past economic activities. In article we are considering the possibilities of its different interpretation.
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