International journal of online engineering
Emotional Cognitive Assessment and Enhancement for Mentally Disabled People
Samir Abou El-Seoud1  Samaa A. Ahmed2 
[1]British University in Egypt - BUE
[2]Postgraduate student, BUE
关键词: Autism;    Asparagus Syndrome;    EQ;    E-therapy;   
DOI  :  
来源: International Association of Online Engineering
【 摘 要 】
Autism spectrum syndrome well known as autism. Autism was delivered within the 1920s century especially in 1944. Autism is described as a development disease that influences the social abilities, nonverbal communication or what's called body language. Human beings with Autism and Asperger’s syndrome tends to have high IQ however very low EQ[1]. In addition, person who suffers autism has a tendency to have a specific habitual, aggressive reaction while converting this habitual. The Proposed concept is to develop an algorithm/method for growing emotional intelligence. The goal of the proposed concept is to assist human beings with Autism and Asperger’s syndrome that tends to have under common EI to approach normality [2]. The program will use the high IQ of the person to increase his/her EQ. To achieve this it is intended to develop program that refuse any miss behavior, or inappropriate mind-set. The advanced application acts like human, who will no longer accept to be treated in a particular manner. To enhance ones EI, people with autism ought to be taught on: • A way to cope with people in a manner they would accept.  • The way to apprehend his/her emotion and accept it. • The way to express their feelings. The goal of the evolved program is to help autism users be given human beings and be selves ordinary. The program ought to teach person how to make buddies in the real existence.
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