Journal of earth system science
Landslide susceptibility mapping of the Tehri reservoir rim area using the weights of evidence method
Anbalagan R^21  Rohan Kumar^12 
[1] Department of Earth Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee 247 667, India.^2;Punjab Engineering College (Deemed-to-be University), Vidya Path, Sector 12, Chandigarh 160 012, India.^1
关键词: Landslide;    susceptibility;    Tehri;    reservoir rim;    weights of evidence;    GIS;   
DOI  :  
来源: Indian Academy of Sciences
【 摘 要 】

This study was aimed to utilise important landslide causal factors for the delineation of the landslide susceptible area using the weights of evidence (WofE) method in the Tehri reservoir rim region on a macro scale. The Tehri reservoir extends up to 70 km and bounded by moderate to steep slopes. Landslide susceptibility mapping (LSM) is an essential measure for identifying the potentially unstable slopes bounding the reservoir. With the help of ancillary data, remote sensing imagery and a digital elevation model, 10 causative factors along with landslide inventory were extracted. Initially, the WofE model was applied to obtain the association between landslides and causative factors. The process gave the numerical estimate of correlation between landslides and causative factors by means of positive and negative correlation. Important factor attributes, potentially causing landslides, were identified based on high positive correlation values. Later, the posterior probability of landslide occurrence for each mapping unit was also computed using the WofE model. Posterior probability was divided into five relative susceptibility classes. Validation of the posterior probability map was carried out by using the prediction rate curve technique and a reasonable accuracy of 83% was achieved. LSM of the Tehri reservoir rim area implicates unplanned road construction and settlements coupled with the reservoir slope settlement process for the present degradation of the geo-environmental system in that region.

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