The Journal of Engineering
Global Positioning System and GLObal NAvigation Satellite System constellations for better time synchronising reliability
Lucas B. Oliveira1  Marcelo Zapella2 
[1] GE Grid Solutions , Florianopolis, SC , Brazil;GE Grid Soultions , Raleigh, NC , USA
关键词: phasor measurement;    travelling-wave fault location;    common precision-time reference;    precision-time reference reliability;    accurate time synchronisation;    global positioning system;    current differential protection schemes;    critical substation applications;    GLObal NAvigation satellite system constellations;   
DOI  :  10.1049/joe.2018.0183
来源: IET
【 摘 要 】

The demand for accurate time synchronisation available 24/7 increases with the growth of critical substation applications, such as phasor measurement, merging units, travelling-wave fault location and current differential protection schemes. In order to yield the best accuracy and granularity from such applications, the use of a common, reliable and precision-time reference is essential.

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