Proceedings of the Japan Academy, Series B. Physical and Biological Sciences
Strength, functionality and beauty of university buildings in earthquake-prone countries
Akira WADA1 
[1]Tokyo Institute of Technology
关键词: weak-story collapse;    damage control;    pin-supported wall;    Tohoku earthquake;   
DOI  :  10.2183/pjab.94.009
来源: Japan Academy
【 摘 要 】
Strength, functionality and beauty are the three qualities identifying well-designed architecture. For buildings in earthquake-prone countries such as Japan, emphasis on seismic safety frequently leads to the sacrifice of functionality and beauty. Therefore, it is important to develop new structural technologies that can ensure the seismic performance of a building without hampering the pursuit of functionality and beauty. The moment-resisting frame structures widely used for buildings in Japan are likely to experience weak-story collapse. Pin-supported walls, which can effectively enhance the structural story-by-story integrity of a building, were introduced to prevent such an unfavorable failure pattern in the seismic retrofit of an eleven-story building on a university campus in Tokyo, while also greatly aesthetically enhancing the façade of the building. The slight damage observed and monitoring records of the retrofitted building during the 2011 Tohoku earthquake in Japan demonstrate that the pin-supported walls worked as intended, protecting the building and guaranteeing the safety of its occupants during the earthquake.
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