Journal of earth system science
Carbon sequestration and CO$_{2}$absorption by agroforestry systems: An assessment for Central Plateau and Hill region of India
Rizvi R H^11 
[1]ICAR – Central Agroforestry Research Institute, Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh, India.^1
关键词: Agroforestry;    carbon sequestration;    climate change;    CO$_2$FIX model;    remote sensing;   
DOI  :  
来源: Indian Academy of Sciences
【 摘 要 】
India ranks fourth in terms of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and accounts for 6% of total GHG emissions in the world. Carbon dioxide (CO$_{2}$) has major contribution of 76% in total GHG emissions. Agroforestry that integrates trees in the agricultural landscape is regarded as a strategy for both adaptation and mitigation of climate change. Agroforestry plays an important role in reducing the level of GHG emissions vis-a-vis atmospheric CO$_{2}$ through carbon sequestration. Carbon sequestration is the process involved in carbon capture and the long period storage of atmospheric CO$_{2}$. In the present study, firstly area under agroforestry was estimated in Central Plateau and Hill region (agro-climatic zone-8) using satellite remote sensing data. Secondly, dynamic CO$_{2}$FIX model v3.1 was used to assess the baseline total carbon and carbon sequestration potential (CSP) of agroforestry systems for a simulation period of 30 yr. Finally, equivalent CO$_{2}$ absorption was assessed with the help of estimated agroforestry area and net CSP in the zone. Estimated area in Central Plateau and Hill region is about 1.96 million ha, which is 5.18% of total geographical area of this zone. Total carbon sequestered at zone level was estimated to be 17.81 Tg (tera gram) C and equivalent CO$_{2}$ absorption is at 65.36 Tg. The CSP of agroforestry systems would be about 158.55 Tg C for a simulated period of 30 yr or CSP would be 5.28 Tg C yr$^{-1}$ at country level. On the other hand, equivalent CO$_{2}$ absorption was 586.50 Tg for a period of 30 yr or would be 19.55 Tg yr$^{-1}$ at country level. Hence, the present study concludes that agroforestry has significant contribution in reduction of atmospheric CO$_{2}$ which would have much more if the area under agroforestry and/or number of trees ha$^{-1}$ on farmlands are increased.
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