The Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision
Using Service-Learning to Promote Social Justice Advocacy and Cognitive Development During Internship
Lee, Kristi A1  McAdams III, Charles R.2 
[1]Seattle University
[2]The College of William and Mary
关键词: counselor training;    service-learning;    social justice;    advocacy;    cognitive development;   
DOI  :  
来源: North Atlantic Regional Association for Counselor Education and Supervision
【 摘 要 】
Little empirical research has examined how to effectively prepare counseling students as social justice advocates. In a quasi-experimental design, a service-learning intervention was used in community counseling internship to promote students’ social justice advocacy competency as well as cognitive development, including moral and intellectual development. Findings demonstrated a significant increase in social justice advocacy competency in both the experimental and control groups at the end of one quarter of community counseling internship. In addition, the experimental group had significantly higher scores on the Public Information advocacy domain sub-scale of the Advocacy Competency Self-Assessment Survey. Teaching strategies such as service-learning may prepare counselor trainees for community engagement when they are in practice.
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