International journal of online engineering
Heat Transfer Model to Predict Human Skin Temperature under Comfort Level by using Bioheat Equation
Zaina Norhallis Zainol1 
[1]School of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru, Malaysia
关键词: Heat Transfer;    Thermal Comfort;    Bioheat;   
DOI  :  
来源: International Association of Online Engineering
【 摘 要 】
Thermal comfort is the human subject perceived satisfaction to the environmental condition. The human comfort level is affected by skin temperature. Currently to determine the human skin temperature by using human experiment in a controlled environment. However, the experiment is very rigorous and exhaustive. This study was conducted to predict human skin temperature under comfort level with using the finite element method and the bioheat equation. The bioheat equation is used to predict the initial value of human skin temperature with the influence of the metabolic heat generation and the blood perfusion. It is discovered the skin temperature of the human subject experiment fluctuates. However, the result obtained from the model remains unchanged until the simulation ends. The predicted results from the model were well in agreement with the experimental results with an acceptable error of 1.05%.
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