Journal of Engineering Research
Assessment of non-functional properties for e-services
Naelah Al-Dabous1 
关键词: E-services;    Elicitation;    Non-functional properties;    Requirements;    Taxonomy;   
DOI  :  
来源: Kuwait University * Academic Publication Council
【 摘 要 】

Non-functional properties (NFPs) for an e-service consist of qualities and features that are desirable by the service users. Unlike functional properties, which are tangible functionalities provided by the e-service, NFPs are often hidden or transparent to service users. These properties are formally or semi-formally expressed to service developers by the service user and are then transformed into non-functional requirements (NFRs) by the developers. Currently, both NFPs and NFRs are often overlooked by the service developer or added to the service later in an ad hoc manner. In this paper, we discuss the identification of NFPs by service users as part of the requirements for the engineering phase of the e-services software development life cycle. To help capture NFPs, we provide a comprehensive taxonomy for identifying their properties based on the categories of trust, user experience, quality of service, and conformance. The taxonomy is then used to develop a tool for assessing the NFPs in online banking e-services. The tool is applied to a case study, and the results are reported and empirically analyzed.

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