Experimental analysis of post-installed corbels with adhesive anchors
Damasceno, Joao Henrique Lannes1 
[1] Departamento de Engenharia Civil da Universidade Federal de São Carlos, São Carlos, Brasil
关键词: Adhesive anchors;    precast concrete;    connections;    corbels.;   
DOI  :  10.1590/s1517-707620180003.0483
来源: Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro * Coordenacao dos Programas de Pos-Graduacao de Engenharia
【 摘 要 】

The greater difficulty in the use of precast structures is related to the connections, which can be complex and costly depending on the design, opposing one of the main advantages of this constructive system, the speed. Then, the search for simpler and more economical solutions corresponds to one of the most important principles of the project. Thus, one of the alternatives to be considered during the project to improve the simplicity in the column production is to avoid holes and cuts in the formwork. The main aim of this paper is to study the alternative of using chemical adhesive for fastening the corbel reinforcement after casting the column. It was developed an experimental program with 3 tests full scale specimens with equal dimensions short corbels. Were tested 2 post-installed corbels with the main tie reinforcement fastened with adhesive anchor and 1 cast in corbel with the main tie reinforcement anchored with hooked 90 º bars. The cast in corbel (specimen A) was designed according to the recommendations of the standards NBR6118:2014 e NBR9062:2006, 1 post-installed corbel (specimen B) was designed with the same anchorage length of the cast in corbel and the other post-installed corbel was designed according to the recommendations of the chemical adhesive producer. This way, was possible evaluate by comparing the models that the anchorage length did not influence the corbel behavior during the test. The specimen A presented the ultimate load of 400 kN, specimen B 340 kN and specimen C 377 kN was possible evaluate the influence of the anchorage length in the corbel behavior and the safety of the solution comparing with a cast in corbel. All of the specimens presented failure by flexure-tension in a ductile manner and ultimate loads higher than foreseen by standards and calculation models. The post-installed corbels presented a satisfactory mechanical behavior and can be considered as a viable alternative.

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