Jundishapur Journal of Microbiology
The Predominance of Genotype 3 in Hepatitis C Virus in the Province of Kahramanmaras, Turkey/Genotype Distribution of Syrian Refugee Patients with Hepatitis C in Kahramanmaras Province
Ahmet Çalışkan1  Özlem Kirişci2 
[1]Department of Medical Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, Pamukkale University, Denizli, Turkey
[2]Medical Microbiology Department, Necip Fazil City Hospital, Kahramanmaras, Turkey
关键词: The Predominance of Genotype 3 in Hepatitis C Virus in the Province of Kahramanmaras;    Turkey/Genotype Distribution of Syrian Refugee Patients with Hepatitis C in Kahramanmaras Province;    Hepatitis C Virus;    Genotype;    Refugees;    Turkey;   
DOI  :  10.5812/jjm.80872
来源: Jundishapur Journal of Microbiology
【 摘 要 】
The genotype determination is of importance in the clinical management of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection.The aim of this study was to evaluate the distribution of genotypes in HCV patients in the Kahramanmaras region, Turkey, and determine if the genotype rates of Syrian refugee patients with hepatitis C are different from the population they migrated to.Blood samples sent to the microbiology laboratory between September 2014 and February 2018 were examined with genotyping using a real-time PCR reagent kit.The results of 274 patients who were HCV genotype-assigned were obtained from the hospital electronic information system. Of 230 Turkish HCV patients, 121 (52.8%) were identified as genotype 3, 100 (43.3%) as genotype 1, five (2.2%) as genotype 2, and four (1.7%) as genotype 4. Of the 44 Syrian refugee patients, 24 (54.5%) were identified as genotype 1, 18 (40.9%) as genotype 4, one (2.3%) as genotype 2, and one (2.3%) as genotype 3.Predominant genotype 3 with the prevalence of 52.8% was seen to be more frequent in the current study region than in other regions of Turkey, demonstrating the highest rate of genotype 3 infection in Turkey to date. In Syria, the predominant HCV genotype is genotype 4 with a 57% prevalence, followed by genotype 1 with 29%. In the Syrian refugees, however, the current study showed genotype 1 was more frequent than genotype 4 (54.5 % vs. 40.9%). This suggests that HCV genotypes may be affected by situations such as war and migration.
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