An Add-On Electronic Device to Upgrade Mechanical Gas Meters into Electronic Ones
Gasulla, Manel1  Ripoll-Vercellone, Edgar2  Ferrandiz, Vicent3 
[1] Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.;Idneo Technologies, 08100 Mollet del Vallès, Spain;e-CAT Group, Department Electronic Eng., Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 08860 Castelldefels, Spain
关键词: short-range networks;    gas meter;    smart utilities;    smart society;    Internet of Things;   
DOI  :  10.3390/proceedings2131094
来源: mdpi
【 摘 要 】

Smart utilities enable more efficient energy consumption and distribution and are the key for smart homes development. We propose an electronic device that will be integrated as an add-on to already installed conventional gas meters as a first stage of smart metering rollout. The electronic device will measure the gas consumption and it will be managed by the user’s or operator’s smartphone via NFC. For the gas flow measurement, the electronic device takes advantage of the rotation of a permanent magnet fixed in an index drum.

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