Purinergic Signalling
Expanding the clinical relevance of the 5′-nucleotidase cN-II/NT5C2
Lars Petter Jordheim1 
[1] Centre de Recherche en Cancérologie de Lyon
关键词: GWAS;    Diseases;    Genetic variants;    Mutations;    NT5C2;    Purine metabolism;   
DOI  :  10.1007/s11302-018-9627-2
来源: Springer
【 摘 要 】

Purine metabolism is depending on a large amount of enzymes to ensure cellular homeostasis. Among these enzymes, we have been interested in the 5′-nucleotidase cN-II and its role in cancer biology and in response of cancer cells to treatments. This protein has been cited and studied in a large number of papers published during the last decade for its involvement in non-cancerous pathologies such as hereditary spastic paraplegia, schizophrenia, and blood pressure regulation. Here, we review these articles in order to give an overview of the recently discovered clinical relevance of cN-II.

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