Journal of Engineering Research
Infrared Thermography and Finite Element Method Applied to the Detection of Internal Defects in Reinforced Concrete Slabs
Sougrati Belattar1  ABDELHAMID NOUFID2 
[1]Caddi Ayyad University
[2]Cadi Ayyad university, Faculty of Science Semlalia
DOI  :  
来源: Kuwait University * Academic Publication Council
【 摘 要 】
The development of numerical methods has made digital simulation a very important tool in the field of industry and in various fields of scientific research. In this work, we seek to make a study as complete as possible on the behavior of the slabs of structures. According to the internal anomalies, which can touch these elements. Due on the one hand, to the effect of aging and the seism, and on the other hand, to the permanent climate changes to which these elements are subjected or simply to accidents such as explosion. This article deals with the application of infrared thermography in the detection of anomalies in a reinforced concrete slab. This defect takes several forms, namely horizontal, vertical, oblique or spherical. In this one; we will study the defect in inclined and spherical position. While varying on the one hand the properties of the slab and on the other hand, the characteristics of the defect. With finite element simulation software, different simulations have been carried out to derive results on infrared thermography in reinforced concrete slabs. According to this study, the detection of these cracks by infrared if and only if a number of conditions are available. however, this method is impotent in some cases, which necessitates deviating from the limits of its use, which we will address in this work.
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