Journal of earth system science
Seasonal variability of sea-surface temperature fronts associated with large marine ecosystems in the north Indian Ocean
Kankan Sarkar^1,21  Aparna S G^12 
[1]CSIR–National Institute of Oceanography, Dona Paula, Goa 403 004, India.^1
[2]Department of Mathematics, Malda College, Malda, West Bengal 732 101, India.^2
关键词: SST fronts;    frontal systems;    Arabian Sea;    Bay of Bengal;    potential fishing zones;   
DOI  :  
来源: Indian Academy of Sciences
【 摘 要 】
We use 14 years of satellite-derived sea-surface temperature (SST) data to compute a monthly frontal probability index (FPI) to determine the existence of a front in a pixel. A persistent SST front is deemed to exist if the FPI in a narrow region exceeds that in the surrounding ocean. We describe the seasonal variability of 17 persistent SST fronts (eight associated with the shelf-slope boundary and five with the mixing between different water masses) in the north Indian Ocean. Only weak fronts exist during a few months in the strong upwelling regimes off Somalia and Oman.
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