International journal of online engineering
4.5G Capacity & QoS Optimization: A New Proposal to Enhance the Principal KPIs of 5G/IoT
Ahmed El Mahjoubi1 
[1] National School of Applied Sciences Kenitra
关键词: LTE Capacity;    RF Optimization;    5G;    QoS;    QoE.;   
DOI  :  
来源: International Association of Online Engineering
【 摘 要 】

RF capacity management and optimization is an important part of the network performances of the future.   Technically, 4.5G/5G mobile network is expected to enable people-thing and thing-thing interconnections by combining communication technologies and networks. Our Lab has been actively promoting research on 4G & 5G performances, in which the RF Capacity management issue is of great interest. New 4G/5G tests put forward a lot of requirements for RF network performances in terms of KPIs, QoS, as well as user experience. Based on Morocco’s current situation, this article first discusses the LTE cell resources monitoring and optimization, Furthermore, we will introduce LTE OMSTAR tool, and LTE cell resources optimization scenarios are summarized.

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