Revista Cubana de Cirugía
Síndrome de la vena cava superior por adenocarcinoma de pulmón a forma mediastinal
Ramos Hernández, Ricardo Ulises1 
[1]Hospital Universitario Comandante Manuel Fajardo, La Habana, Cuba
关键词: superior vena cava syndrome;    adenocarcinoma.;   
DOI  :  
来源: SciELO
【 摘 要 】
The first description of superior vena cava syndrome (SVCS) was made by William Hunter in 1757, in a patient with syphilitic aortic aneurysm. Currently, with the development of antimicrobial treatments, these diseases are rare and largely due to malignant pathologies. Malignant neoplasms account for 90% of cases of SVCS and are mostly lung carcinomas. Less commonly, malignant SVCS is produced by lymphomas, metastases and intrathoracic tumors, such as mesotheliomas or thymomas. The aim of the study is to present an unusual form of the SVCS caused by a lung neoplasm whose histological variant, adenocarcinoma, does not usually produce this form of radiological presentation. We present a patient aged 48, smoker, operated for left pneumothorax, who comes to office referring the onset of pain and increased volume located in the neck, shoulder and right upper limb of 3 months of evolution, of mild intensity, permanent, associated with the presence of functional impotence and edema of the upper limb. In previous consultations, he was diagnosed with bursitis and anti-inflammatory and physiotherapy treatment was prescribed, the symptoms worsened, while ultrasound of the right shoulder was decided. Classically, adenocarcinoma is described as radiologically manifested as a solitary, peripheral nodule or lung mass, which differs with our case, whose presentation is a superior vena cava syndrome being an unusual form in this histological type.
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