Needs-adapted Data Presentation in e-Information Tools
Henning Bergenholtz1  Theo J.D. Bothma2 
[1] Centre for LexicographyAarhus School of BusinessAarhusDenmarkand extraordinary professor, Department of Information ScienceUniversity of PretoriaPretoriaSouth Africa;Department of Information ScienceUniversity of PretoriaPretoriaSo
关键词: lexicography;    function theory;    information tool;    dictionary;    fixed expression;    information overload;    information stress;    user needs;    complex user situation;    context;    cognitive situation;    communicative situation;    operative situation;    interpretative situati;    leksikografi;   
DOI  :  10.5788/21-1-37
来源: Buro Van Die Woordeboek Van Die Afrikaanse Taal
【 摘 要 】

In the current debate about the status of lexicography there are at least three quite different opinions: (i) Lexicography does not have or need any kind of own theory but can use all relevant linguistic theories. (ii) Lexicography needs a special the

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