Fatigue of Aircraft Structures
The Impact of Damage in Anneling Inconel 718 on Hardness Measured by the Vickers Method
关键词: Damage parameter;    Vickers hardness;    Inconel 718;    Tensile test;    Heat treatment;   
DOI  :  10.1515/fas-2016-0007
来源: Instytut Lotnictwa / The Institute of Aviation
【 摘 要 】
In the previous work [1] it was shown that strain hardening had considerable impact on the hardness of Inconel 718. In order to verify the weakening of the material associated with the damage mechanism in the tested material, the hardness tests were performed on the stretched specimen which was subsequently heat treated. The tests revealed that, after heat treatment, the measured hardness was reduced with an increasing degree of the plastic deformation present prior to heat treatment.
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