Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering
A Practical Solution for Time Synchronization in Wireless Sensor Networks
COCA, E. ; POPA, V..
关键词: time synchronization;    wireless sensor node;    network protocol;    lifetime estimation;    clock drift;   
DOI  :  10.4316/AECE.2012.04009
来源: Universitatea "Stefan cel Mare" din Suceava
【 摘 要 】

Time synchronization in wireless sensor node networks is a hot topic. Many papers present various software algorithms and hardware solutions to keep accurate time information on mobile nodes. In terms of real life applications wireless sensor nodes are preferred in many domains, starting with simple room monitoring and finishing with pipeline surveillance projects. Positioning applications are far more restrictive on timekeeping accuracy, as for the velocity of nodes calculations precise time or time difference values are needed. The accuracy of time information on nodes has to be always correlated with the application requirements. In this paper, we present some considerations regarding time synchronization linked with specific needs for individual practical applications. A practical low energy method of time keeping at node level is proposed and tested. The performances of the proposed solution in terms of short and long term stability and energy requirements are analyzed and compared with existing solutions. Simulation and experimental results, some advantages and disadvantages of the method are presented at the end of the paper.

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