American Journal of Cancer Research
Epigenetic reprogramming of Myc target genes
Stefano Amente1 
关键词: Myc;    transcription;    histones acetylation;    histones methylation;    epigenome;   
DOI  :  
来源: e-Century Publishing Corporation
【 摘 要 】

Myc protein plays a fundamental role in regulation of cell cycle, proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis by modulating the expression of a large number of targets. Myc binding to its targets depends on the presence of the E-box binding sequence and by a chromatin context in which histone H3K4me3 lysine methylation favors Myc binding. Myc role in transcription is still an open question since Myc is able to either activate or repress target genes and the molecular mechanisms by which it exerts these functions span from chromatin remodeling to processive RNAPII elongation. Since the types and number of enzymes able to reversibly modify histones is recently growing, some of the acquisitions regarding Myc chromatin remodeling properties are being revaluated. Here, we summarize recent findings regarding the function of Myc in epigenetic reprogramming of its targets in transcription of differentiated as well as pluripotent cells.

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