International Association of Online Engineering
A Flexible Online Apparatus forProjectile Launch Experiments
Pedro Nogueira1  Rubem Couto1  Arcelina Marques1  Carlos Manuel Paiva1  Gustavo Alves1  Pedro Guimarães1 
[1] Polytechnic of Porto - School of Engineering
关键词: Remote Experiment;    projectile launch;   
DOI  :  
来源: International Association of Online Engineering
【 摘 要 】

In order to provide a more flexible learning environment in physics, the developed projectile launch apparatus enables students to determine the acceleration of gravity and the dependence of a set of parameters in the projectile movement. This apparatus is remotely operated and accessed via web, by first scheduling an access time slot. This machine has a number of configuration parameters that support different learning scenarios with different complexities.

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