International Association of Online Engineering
Remote Compression Test Machine for Experimental Teaching of Mechanical Forming
L. Boeira Michels1  Lirio Schaeffer2  Roderval Marcelino3  Vilson Gruber3  Luan Carlos Casagrande3 
[1] Federal Institute Of Santa Catarina, Brazil.;UFRGS;UFSC
关键词: Compression Test Machine;    Remote Experiment;    Educational Experiment;    Metallurgical;   
DOI  :  
来源: International Association of Online Engineering
【 摘 要 】

There are many remote experiments currently being created, but just few of these remote experiments are from the field of metallurgical engineering. The purpose of this article is to describe the development of the remote compression test machine. This experiment is an educational experiment aimed to conduct a compression test via the internet. It uses the microcomputer Raspberry Pi as the main data control. This remote experiment is available in a website, where the students can control and monitor it and export the output data. The tests realized in the remote compression test machine demonstrated that the output is similar to industrial machine allowing its use as a didactic experiment.

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