International Association of Online Engineering
Introducing MATLAB to Electronic Engineering Undergraduates through Three Weeks Laboratory Sessions
Theam Foo Ng1  Haidi Ibrahim3 
[1] Electronic Engineering, Engineering Campus, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 14300 Nibong Tebal, Penang, Malaysia;Center for Global Sustainability Studies,5th Floor, Hamzah Sendut Library,Universiti Sains Malaysia,11800 Penang, Malaysia;School of Electrical&
关键词: Computer science education;    electronics engineering education;    MATLAB;    programming;   
DOI  :  
来源: International Association of Online Engineering
【 摘 要 】

Previously, our undergraduates in electronic engineering program had to explore and learn MATLAB from the beginning by their own, without direct guidance.Based on this, we decided to formally introduce MATLAB to them as a part of the syllabus in our Advance Laboratory course, in order to continuously improve our electronic engineering undergraduates.As we want to track the significance of the course, two surveys have been given to the students.One survey has been executed at the beginning of the laboratory, and another one has been carried out at the end of the laboratory session.The outcomes from these two surveys show that the designed syllabus successfully increases both skill and confident level of our students in solving complex engineering problem using MATLAB programming.

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