Sustainable Earth
Improving collaborative knowledge production for climate change mitigation: lessons from EU Horizon 2020 experiences
Heleen de Coninck1  Daan Boezeman2 
[1]Department of Environmental Science, Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
[2]Institute for Management Research, Radboud University and PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
关键词: Science-policy interface;    Knowledge use;    Boundary organisations;    Climate change;    Mitigation;    Co-production;   
DOI  :  10.1186/s42055-018-0007-0
来源: Springer
【 摘 要 】
Scientific knowledge is key to climate mitigation governance. However, effective exchange between science and policy is challenging. Science-policy theory suggests collaboration, stakeholder participation and iterative communication as key principles for improving the science-policy interface. The Horizon 2020 project “Coordination and Assessment of Research and Innovation in Support of climate Mitigation Actions” (CARISMA) attempted to implement these principles. To help other projects learn from CARISMA’s experiences, this Guideline article critically discusses how the CARISMA project fared. CARISMA’s activities included stakeholder engagement through feedback loops, interviews with Advisory Board members, and an information platform. Experiences were discussed in a workshop with science-policy practitioners. Theory and workshop participants’ insights led to the identification of seven practical directions towards a more effective exchange between science and policy, aimed at policymakers, funding agencies and researchers: 1) Know the researcher’s role; 2) Work with policy dynamics; 3) Use alternative communication means; 4) Allow for flexibility in projects’ deliverables and milestones; 5) Be realistic about the possibility of stakeholder engagement; 6) Adjust funding criteria; 7) Invest in stable knowledge infrastructures.
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