eLife journal
TissueMiner: A multiscale analysis toolkit to quantify how cellular processes create tissue dynamics
Raphaël Etournay1 
DOI  :  10.7554/eLife.14334.001
来源: eLife Sciences Publications, Ltd
【 摘 要 】
Cells interact, divide, rearrange and change shape to build an organ during development. Modern microscopy and computer technology can follow each individual cell of an entire organ in a living organism. However, to understand how the complex choreography of cells leads to well-shaped organs, researchers need tools to help the store and analyze the large amounts of data generated. Tools are also needed to visualize and quantify the complex cell behaviors in an easy and flexible manner. During its development, a fruit fly’s wings become divided into distinct regions separated by tubular supports called veins. Early on in development, the vein cells are indistinguishable from their neighbors, but at late stages, vein cells become a different shape. Veins also become narrower, which is assumed to be due to the number of vein cells falling. However, the way in which cells behave to bring about these changes has not been studied in detail. Etournay, Merkel, Popović, Brandl et al. have now developed a toolkit called TissueMiner that enables users to store large amounts of data about cells and analyze how cells collectively shape an organ. TissueMiner was then used to identify vein cells at late stages of wing development and follow them backward in time to reveal their position at early stages. This showed that veins become narrower and more elongated because the cells that make up the veins shrink more than cells in other regions. TissueMiner was then used to show that vein cells specifically rearrange and elongate to produce thinner regions, while the number of cells increases slightly because the cells divide. These results suggest that the cell behaviors responsible for making veins elongate and narrow are likely to be different from what had previously been assumed. TissueMiner can be used in future studies to help understand the molecule signals that influence how cells behave in veins during wing development. The toolkit could also now be used to explore the changes involved in the development of other organs in other organisms.
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