SAGE Open Medicine
A review of orexin’s unprecedented potential as a novel, highly-specific treatment for various localized and metastatic cancers:
Nicole LGraybill1 
关键词: Cancer;    orexin;    hypocretin;    apoptosis;    orexin receptor;    orexin 1 receptor;    orexin 2 receptor;    orexin A;    orexin B;   
DOI  :  10.1177/2050312117735774
来源: Sage Journals
【 摘 要 】

A systematic review was conducted to categorize the types of cancerous tissues that express orexin receptors and also to examine the effect of in vitro administration of orexin A or B to corresponding cell samples. Comprehensive literature analyses of primary experimental studies were performed. The results of the review included an increased frequency of orexin receptor expression in many colon and prostate cancer tissues and an upward trend of pro-apoptotic activity in these aggressive cell types.

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