Genomics Insights
Multiple Testing in the Context of Gene Discovery in Sickle Cell Disease Using Genome-Wide Association Studies:
Kevin H.M.Kuo1 
关键词: Sickle cell disease;    genome-wide association study;    multiple testing;   
DOI  :  10.1177/1178631017721178
来源: Sage Journals
【 摘 要 】

The issue of multiple testing, also termed multiplicity, is ubiquitous in studies where multiple hypotheses are tested simultaneously. Genome-wide association study (GWAS), a type of genetic association study that has gained popularity in the past decade, is most susceptible to the issue of multiple testing. Different methodologies have been employed to address the issue of multiple testing in GWAS. The purpose of the review is to examine the methodologies employed in dealing with multiple testing in the context of gene discovery using GWAS in sickle cell disease complications.

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