Research Ethics
Unique requirements for social science human subjects research within the United States Department of Defense:
Dale FSpurlin1 
关键词: IRB review;    military research;    military subjects;    research policies;    human subjects research;    Department of Defense;   
DOI  :  10.1177/1747016115626198
来源: Sage Journals
【 摘 要 】

Although most researchers are familiar with the application of the Common Rule in research, fewer are aware of specific requirements and restrictions for conducting human subjects research when employees of the US Department of Defense (DoD) will be participants. Because of the additional regulations concerning DoD employees as participants, federal regulations and research policies require researchers to submit their human subjects research proposals through a DoD review process to ensure compliance with DoD research policies, regardless of a non-DoD IRB’s approval. These research policies recognize the vulnerability of military subjects within a hierarchical organization to potential coercion and abuse during research studies. This article describes some of the unique requirements to conduct human subjects research within the DoD (in which the participants are military or civilian). The article concludes with steps researchers can follow to facilitate the DoD review process for research, and timely rese...

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