SAGE Open Medicine
Data reporting constraints for the lymphatic filariasis mass drug administration activities in two districts in Ghana: A qualitative study:
Frances Baabada-Costa Vroom1 
关键词: Data quality;    reporting;    barriers;    constraints;    lymphatic filariasis;    mass drug administration;   
DOI  :  10.1177/2050312115594083
来源: Sage Journals
【 摘 要 】

Objectives:Timely and accurate health data are important for objective decision making and policy formulation. However, little evidence exists to explain why poor quality routine health data persist. This study examined the constraints to data reporting for the lymphatic filariasis mass drug administration programme in two districts in Ghana. This qualitative study focused on timeliness and accuracy of mass drug administration reports submitted by community health volunteers.Methods:The study is nested within a larger study focusing on the feasibility of mobile phone technology for the lymphatic filariasis programme. Using an exploratory study design, data were obtained through in-depth interviews (n = 7) with programme supervisors and focus group discussions (n = 4) with community health volunteers. Results were analysed using thematic content analysis.Results:Reasons for delays in reporting were attributed to poor numeracy skills among community health volunteers, difficult physical access to communitie...

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