Communications Biology
Z-DNA and Z-RNA in human disease
Alan Herbert1 
[1]Discovery, InsideOutBio, Charlestown, USA
DOI  :  10.1038/s42003-018-0237-x
来源: Nature Publishing Group
【 摘 要 】
Left-handed Z-DNA/Z-RNA is bound with high affinity by the Zα domain protein family that includes ADAR (a double-stranded RNA editing enzyme), ZBP1 and viral orthologs regulating innate immunity. Loss-of-function mutations in ADAR p150 allow persistent activation of the interferon system by Alu dsRNAs and are causal for Aicardi-Goutières Syndrome. Heterodimers of ADAR and DICER1 regulate the switch from RNA- to protein-centric immunity. Loss of DICER1 function produces age-related macular degeneration, a different type of Alu-mediated disease. The overlap of Z-forming sites with those for the signal recognition particle likely limits invasion of primate genomes by Alu retrotransposons.
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