European Journal of Sustainable Development Research
Medical Waste Management is Vital for Safe Town Development: An Incident Study in Jessore Town, Bangladesh
Uday Som1  Md. Shameem Hossain2 
[1] Jessore University of Science & Technology, Department of Chemical Engineering, Jessore-7408, BANGLADESH;Khulna University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Energy Science and Engineering, Khulna-9203, BANGLADESH
关键词: medical waste (MW);    health care institutions (HCIs);    health effect;    handling of medical waste;    medical waste management (MWM);   
DOI  :  10.20897/ejosdr/2668
来源: Lectito Journals
【 摘 要 】

Health care institutions (HCIs) generate waste which can causes various injuries and infections to the patients, healthcare workers and also causes harm to the surrounding environment. Medical waste management (MWM) is vital for safe town development and the misconduct of medical waste may be a significant risk factor for the infectious diseases diffusion on our environment. The study carried out on 22 HCIs included public hospital, diagnostic centers, private hospitals and clinic in Jessore town of Bangladesh. This present study focused on the existing management structure, generation rate and difficulties of MWM. An inadequate number of HCIs are following the MWM method over their self-management. The findings of this study exposed that around 3 ton of medical waste is produced per day that is about 5.56% of entire waste production in this town. Over on an ordinary 0.98kg/day/bed medical waste that covering 10.89% infectious, 15.82% plastic, 3.46% sharp, 3.87% pathological, 60.94% domestic and 5.52% pharmaceutical waste were generated in this town.

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