Zhongxiyi Jiehe Huli (Zhong-Yingwen Ban)
关键词: 隐匿阴茎;    儿童;    自卑;    疾病认知度;    健康宣教;   
DOI  :  10.11997/nitcwm.2017010014
来源: Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press
【 摘 要 】
Abstract:Objective To study the mental status of children with buried penis and their parents’ perception psychological states of children and disease awareness. Methods 〓Totally seventy-two parents whose children diagnosed with buried penis were investigated by self-made questionnaires. Results 〓Of 72 parents, 66.7%(48/72)of them considered that the disease had psychological impact on the children, and the incidence of the inferiority complex and behavior could increase with the increasing of age(P<0.05). Only 13.9%(10/72)of parents made an effort to communicate with children about disease and psychological problems. In terms of parents’ perceptions, obesity was the leading cause with the percentage of 61.1%(44/72)among all the factors which is associated with the formation of the disease considered by all the patients, followed by congenital factor with the percentage of 22.2%(16/72). More percentage of parents consider that congenital factor was the most important factor affecting the formation of the disease, as the increasing of level of being graduated(P<0.05). Conclusion 〓It is common for children with buried penis have psychological problems, the perception of parents to the disease was insufficient, the medical staff should consider more about the psychological problem when making operative plan and perform systemic education for the children and parents to promote the physical and psychological health of children.
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