Engineering Management in Production and Services
Seru production as an alternative to a traditional assembly line
关键词: Business and Economics;    Business Management;    Industries;    Transportation;    Logistics;    Air Traffic;    Shipping;    Engineering;    Mechanical Engineering;    Production Technology;    Process Engineering and Industrial Engineering;   
DOI  :  10.2478/emj-2018-0017
来源: De Gruyter
【 摘 要 】
The article presents the concept of seru production and a simple simulation experiment to check the application effectiveness of the seru production concept in the assembly line of finished products. The article presents the concept of seru production created by Japanese electronics manufacturing companies in the 90s. The simulation experiment showed, better results using the seru production concept compared to a traditional assembly line. Three types of production cells were used and each option turned out to be better than a traditional assembly line.
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