Конгресс Конфедеративных Штатов Америки: особенности организации и деятельности
Станислав Викторович Чечелев1 
[1] Омский государственный университетим. Ф. М. Достоевского
关键词: Сенат;    выборы;    палата представителей;    конституция;    парламентская сессия;    штаты;    Конфедеративные Штаты Америки;    спикер;   
DOI  :  10.24147/2542-1514.2017.1(3).25-41
来源: Dostoevsky Omsk State University
【 摘 要 】

The subject of the paper is legal status, competence, order of formation, composition and activities of the highest representative (legislative) body – the Congress of Confederate States of America (CSA). The purpose of article is to identify peculiarities of organization and work of the Congress of Confederate States of America. The methodological basis of research is formal legal and historical analysis of provisions of the permanent Constitution of the Confederate States, other legislative acts of the Congress of the CSA. The results and scope of application. The study of the history of the United States by analyzing the status and history of development of the higher representative body of the unrecognized state formations of the American South the second part of Nineteenth century contributes to a better understanding of the evolution of American constitutionalism, possible variants of its development, the ways and forms of development of legislative authorities as the primary (main) way to implement popular sovereignty in the New time. Constitutional and legal traditions of the organization and activities of the representative (legislative) authorities of the USA have been fully inherited in the organization, structure and activities of the Supreme legislative authority of the Confederate States of America (CSA). Conclusions. The legal status of the CSA Congress, its powers, organization activities demonstrated a high degree of continuity of such institutions and relationships in the U.S. and allows the Supreme representative (legislative) authority of the Confederate States to be relatively effective in working on as part of a shared state mechanism of CSA.

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