Zhongxiyi Jiehe Huli (Zhong-Yingwen Ban)
关键词: 多学科合作;    血培养标本;    污染;    护理管理;   
DOI  :  10.11997/nitcwm.201805015
来源: Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press
【 摘 要 】
Abstract:Objective To evaluate the multidisciplinary team collaboration in reducing the false positive rate of blood culture in the pediatric clinic. Methods 〓A total of 306 pediatric blood specimens were selected as the control group between January, 2017 and April, 2017, and another 289 blood specimens were included as the observation group between May, 2017 and August, 2017. The routine connection and submission were carried out in the control group, and the collaborative intervention by multidisciplinary team was performed in the observation group, The defective items in specimen submission and incidence of contaminated blood specimens were observed and compared between two groups. Results 〓There were fewer defective items of specimen submission in the observation group than those in the control group(P<0.05). The contamination rate of blood culture was 2.77%(8/289)in the observation group and was 7.19%(22/306)in the control group, with a significant difference(P<0.05). Conclusion 〓Overcoming the limitation of single discipline, the application of multidisciplinary team collaboration is effective to reduce the contamination risk of blood culture.
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