Biochemistry and Biophysics
Influence of Mobile Phone Radiation on Membrane Permeability and Chromatin State of Human Buccal Epithelium Cells
Galyna B. Skamrova1 
关键词: Buccal Epithelium Cell;    Heterochromatin;    Indigo Carmine;    Membrane Permeability;    Mobile Phone;    Orcein;   
DOI  :  
来源: Science and Engineering Publishing Company
【 摘 要 】
Abstract: The results obtained in the present study indicate a statistically significant response of human buccal epithelium cells to the mobile phone radiation in terms of changes in the number of heterochromatin granules in nucleus and membrane permeability. The observed changes are qualitatively similar, indicating certain threshold exposure time of about 1 min and a saturation at exposure times longer than 30 min. These changes may serve as a marker of alteration in functional activity of human cells after electromagnetic radiation (EMR) action. The major effect of mobile phone radiation on cells was dependent upon the exposure time, whereas the specific absorption rate (SAR) level of mobile phone radiation appeared to be relatively unimportant. As our experiments were conducted using limited number of subjects, the data obtained in this study are preliminary and more extensive studies are needed.
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