JOIV: International Journal on Informatics Visualization
Real Time Face Recognition using Eigenface and Viola-Jones Face Detector
Wawan Yunanto1  Muhammad Ihsan Zul1  Jacky Efendi1 
[1]Politeknik Caltex Riau, Jl. Umban Sari No. 1, Pekanbaru, 28265, Indonesia
关键词: Authentication;    Face Recognition;    EmguCV;    Eigenface;    Attendance;    Viola-Jones;   
DOI  :  10.30630/joiv.1.1.15
来源: Politeknik Negeri Padang
【 摘 要 】
Authentication is the process of verifying one’s identity, and one of its implementation is in taking attendances in university’s lectures. Attendance taking is a very important matter to every academic institution as a way to examine students’ performance. Signature based attendance taking can be manipulated. Therefore it has problems in verifying the attendance validity. In this final project, a real time eigenface based face recognition is implemented in an application to do attendance taking. The input face image is captured using a webcam. The application itself is built in C#, utilizing EmguCV library. The application is developed using Visual Studio 2015. Face detection is done with Viola-Jones algorithm. The eigenface method is used to do facial recognition on the detected face image. In this final project, a total of 8 testings are done in different conditions. From the testings, it is found that this application can recognize face images with accuracy as high as 90% and as low as 6.67%. This solution can be used as an alternative for real-time attendance taking in an environment with 170 lux light intensity, webcam resolution of 320 x 240 pixel, and the subject standing 1 meter away while not wearing spectacles. The average recognition time is 0.18125 ms.
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