Scars, Burns & Healing
Measuring coagulation in burns: an evidence-based systematic review:
Nicholas J.Marsden1 
关键词: Burns;    clotting;    coagulation tests;    viscoelastic test;    point-of-care;    thrombelastography;    rotation thromboelastometry;   
DOI  :  10.1177/2059513117728201
来源: Sage Journals
【 摘 要 】

Introduction:Dynamic monitoring of coagulation is important to predict both haemorrhagic and thrombotic complications and to guide blood product administration. Reducing blood loss and tailoring blood product administration may improve patient outcome and reduce mortality associated with transfusion. The current literature lacks a systematic, critical appraisal of current best evidence on which clinical decisions may be based.Objectives:Establishing the role of different coagulation markers in burn patients, diagnosing coagulopathy, tailoring blood product administration and indicating prognosis.Methods:Literature during 2004–2017 from the Cochrane Library, PubMed, Scopus, Medline and Embase was reviewed. Eligibility criteria included randomised controlled trials, systematic reviews, multi-/single-centre study and meta-analyses. Keywords searched were ‘burns’, ‘blood coagulation disorders’, ‘rotem’, ‘blood coagulation’ and ‘thromboelastography’. The PRISMA flow system was used for stratification and the C...

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