Bioassay-guided isolation of proanthocyanidins with antioxidant activity from peanut (Arachis hypogaea) skin by combination of chromatography techniques
Oldoni, Tatiane L. C. ; Melo, Priscilla S. ; Massarioli, Adna P. ; Moreno, Ivani A. M. ; Bezerra, Rosangela M. N. ; Rosalen, Pedro L. ; da Silva, Gil V. J. ; Nascimento, Andrea M. ; Alencar, Severino M.
CP 591
关键词: Purification;    By-product;    Chromatography;    Antioxidant activity;    Phenolic compounds;   
DOI  :  10.1016/j.foodchem.2015.07.004
【 摘 要 】

Purification and bioassay-guided fractionation were employed to isolate proanthocyanidins with antioxidant activity from peanut skin (Arachis hypogaea Runner 886). The crude extract was prepared with acetone (60% v/v) and purified using chromatographic methods, including a semipreparative HPLC technique. As a result, two proanthocyanidins were isolated and identified using NMR, epicatechin-(2 beta -> O -> 7, 4 beta -> 8)-catechin (proanthocyanidin Al) and epicatechin-(beta -> 2 O -> 7,4 beta -> 8)-epicatechin (proanthocyanidin A2). Despite the structural similarity, differences were observed in their antioxidant activity. Proanthocyanidin Al proved to be more active, with EC50 value for DPPH radical scavenging of 18.25 mu g/mL and reduction of Fe3+-TPTZ complex of 7.59 mmol/g, higher than that of synthetic antioxidant BHT. This compound evaluated by ABTS(+). was similar to that of natural quercetin. Therefore, peanut skin is an important source of bioactive compounds that may be used as a mild antioxidant for food preservation. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

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