Environmental stress stability of microencapsules based on liposomes decorated with chitosan and sodium alginate
Liu, Weilin ; Liu, Wei ; Ye, Aiqian ; Peng, Shengfeng ; Wei, Fuqiang ; Liu, Chengmei ; Han, Jianzhong
Nanchang Univ
关键词: Environmental stress;    Microencapsule;    Liposome;    Chitosan;    Alginate;    Structure stability;   
DOI  :  10.1016/j.foodchem.2015.09.050
【 摘 要 】
In this study, liposomes (LPs), chitosan (CH) coated LPs, sodium alginate (AL) and CH multilayered LPs (AL-CH-LPs) were developed based on the electrostatic interaction between charged polysaccharides at a certain pH. The increase of polymer layers on LPs led to a monotonic increase in size from similar to 600 (LPs) to similar to 1810 nm (AL-CH-LPs) and negative charge from -12.5 to -25.2 mV, regarded as a consequence of the formation of gradually expanded structures by cationic CH and anionic AL. The environmental stress including pH, storage and ionic strength (10-200 mM NaCl) had significant impact on the appearance and the particle size of the double-layered liposome (AL-CH-LPs). Furthermore, LPs showed the highest release rate of hydrophilic model ingredient (vitamin C) under gastrointestinal conditions, while the polymers had a capacity to reduce the vitamin C release in simulated intestinal fluid. This work provided useful information on the potential application of CH and AL based delivery systems. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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