Maternal Dietary Patterns during Pregnancy Are Associated with Child Growth in the First 3 Years of Life
Martin, Chantel L. ; Siega-Riz, Anna Maria ; Sotres-Alvarez, Daniela ; Robinson, Whitney R. ; Daniels, Julie L. ; Perrin, Eliana M. ; Stuebe, Alison M.
Univ N Carolina
关键词: maternal diet;    pregnancy;    dietary patterns;    child overweight/obesity;    latent class analysis;   
DOI  :  10.3945/jn.116.234336
【 摘 要 】
Background: Child obesity is a major problem in the United States. Identifying early-life risk factors is necessary for prevention. Maternal diet during pregnancy is a primary source of fetal energy and might influenceirisk of child obesity. Objective: We prospectively investigated the influence of maternal dietary patterns during pregnancy on child growth in the first 3 y of life in 389 mother child pairs from the Pregnancy, Infection, and Nutrition study. Methods: Dietary patterns were derived with the use of latent class analysis (LCA) based on maternal diet, collected with the use of a food-frequency questionnaire at 26-29 wk gestation. Associations between maternal dietary patterns and child body mass index (BMI) for-age zscore and overweight or obesity were assessed with the use of linear regression and log-binomial regression, respectively. We used linear mixed models to estimate childhood growth patterns in relation to maternal dietary patterns. Results: Three patterns were identified from LCA: 1) fruits, vegetables, refined grains, red and processed meats, pizza, french fries, sweets, salty snacks, and soft drinks (latent class 1); 2) fruits, vegetables, baked chicken, whole-wheat bread, low-fat dairy, and water (latent class 2); and 3) white bread, red and processed meats, fried chicken, french fries, and vitamin C rich drinks (latent class 3). In crude analyses, the latent class 3 diet was associated with a higher BM I-for-age z score at 1 and 3 y of age and a higher risk of overweight or obesity at 3 y of age than was the latent class 2 diet. These associations were not detectable after adjustment for confounding factors. We observed an inverse association between the latent class 3 diet and BM I-for-age zscore at birth after adjustment for confounding factors that was not evident in the crude analysis (latent class 3 compared with latent class 2-beta: 0.41; 95% CI: 0.79, 0.03). Conclusion: In this prospective study, a less-healthy maternal dietary pattern was associated with early childhood weight patterns.
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