Response surface methodology for evaluation and optimization of process parameter and antioxidant capacity of rice flour modified by enzymatic extrusion
Xu, Enbo ; Pan, Xiaowei ; Wu, Zhengzong ; Long, Jie ; Li, Jingpeng ; Xu, Xueming ; Jin, Zhengyu ; Jiao, Aiquan
Jiangnan Univ
关键词: Enzymatic extrusion;    Rice flour;    Process parameter;    Antioxidant capacity;    Response surface methodology;   
DOI  :  10.1016/j.foodchem.2016.05.171
【 摘 要 】
For the purpose of investigating the effect of enzyme concentration (EC), barrel temperature (BT), moisture content (MC), and screw speed (SS) on processing parameters (product temperature, die pressure and special mechanical energy (SME)) and product responses (extent of gelatinization (GE), retention rate of total phenolic content (TPC-RR)), rice flour extruded with thermostable alpha-amylase was analyzed by response surface methodology. Stepwise regression models were computed to generate response surface and contour plots, revealing that both TPC-RR and GE increased as increasing MC while expressed different sensitivities to BT during enzymatic extrusion. Phenolics preservation was benefited from low SME. According to multiple-factor optimization, the conditions required to obtain the target SME (10 kJ/kg), GE (100%) and TPC-RR (85%) were: EC = 1.37%, BT = 93.01 degrees C, MC = 44.30%, and SS = 171.66 rpm, with the actual values (9.49 kJ/kg, 99.96% and 87.10%, respectively) showing a good fit to the predicted values. Crown Copyright (C) 2016 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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